Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Cat and Mouse (2010)
Season 2, Episode 16
Das Crap
8 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This episode practically demanded a review. Now, I am a fair reviewer (see my reviews of episodes 2.7 through 2.9), although this series often is so poorly written I cannot help but rate the episodes around 5/10. In this season, we have seen ideas from well known movies (e.g. Aliens) or genres (e.g. zombie films) applied to the Star Wars universe, often with nearly tragic results. This time, they've taken Das Boot as their inspiration and combined it with the cloaking device concept (including how to spot it's signature) from Star Trek. Now, there is a *big* problem with that. Episodes IV - VI have no cloaking devices, so how come this series, taking place between Episodes II and III, does? Such vital military technology surely would have been preserved and utilized by Palpatine.

A couple of smaller problems. In this episode, the planetary blockade is formed in a line, like on a flat battlefield. But space is a three-dimensional theater of war, as has been effectively demonstrated in Babylon 5, the new Battlestar Galactica and even Stargate SG-1. Yes, the 2-dimensional battles are consistent with the movies, but unfortunately times have changed and audiences (hopefully) gotten smarter. Stop with the 2-dimensional space battles already! While talking about consistency, it's sad to see that Star Wars not only will never apply the laws of physics in space - namely the lack of gravity and air resistance - it simply *cannot*, since the aesthetic of the franchise's starships does not allow it. So we will forever see starfighters making stupid, long, troublesome turns and dives like airplanes, whereas they could have been simply *designed* to turn on a dime like the Starfuries in B5 for example, a *huge* advantage in space combat. Yes, Star Wars is supposedly "for all ages", but isn't it easier for a kid to accept starships making turns on a dime *before* they've been taught the whole concept of air resistance, eh?

The plot has problems too. The Captain of Anakin's Republic Cruiser says he recognizes the symbol on the command ship of the blockade. It is the symbol of Admiral Trench. (Wow, they really are running out of words to use as names. Trench? *Really?*) The Captain says that made him recognize *the tactics* of their opponent, whom he has faced before. "He tore our ships apart. We barely escaped with our lives." Umm... that is *not* a tactic - that is an outcome of a battle. Also, why does the captain need to see the symbol if he's already noticed the opponent's "tactics" are familiar? It makes no sense. But then, that happens often in this series. Also, who the frak designed Admiral Trench's command ship? It cannot fire without lowering it's shields and then they have to wait for them to recharge before they can be raised again! Such idiocy would *never* get past the drawing board in military technology. Oh, and once again, the story revolves around a battle and a rescue mission... Yes, the show is primarily for kids, but Lucasfilm could take a hint from the animated classics that have made it to IMDb Top 250 of the past 15 years or so - just because something is for all ages does *not* mean it can't be clever. Again, 2/10.
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