Great Independent Film
10 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The Whole Shootin' Match is a great independent film that any Indi movie lover should watch. I personally am torn about the movie, but it is worth watching at least once. The characters are just your average guys trying to survive and make a living in the world. I personally didn't like the character Frank. He was just a lousy bum who parasite off his buddy, Loyd. He didn't have any ideas of his own, just wanted the easy way out and didn't work hard for anything. He cheated on his wife, he spends all the money on himself, and he can't even kill himself like a man. I hated him and all he represented. Loyd on the other hand I came to like, save the fact he hangs out with Frank. Loyd works hard for what he has, though he isn't the brightest crayon in the box. He doesn't let the world get to him; he picks up his tools and starts working and building to better himself. That I can respect, that's a real cowboy. The movie just revolves around these two trying to make ends meet and find the one thing that will make them rich fast and easily. The movie did its job in giving off the sense of real life and real life in Texas for the time. A great independent film that inspired the Sundance Film Festival should be watched by any movie lover and independent film goers. Those who watch it just have to decide for themselves if and why they love it or hate it. It's no big block buster movie, keep that in mind. It is a low budget independent film that should stand on its own and be judged on that standard alone.
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