The idea was there..but was it really necessary?
10 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't even know a re-cut version of Superman II existed until I was home this past Sunday afternoon and discovered it would be airing on AMC.

Even with commercial interruptions, this "imagined" re-cut has its nice share of ideas. I really appreciated the scenes with Marlon Brando and the explanation of how Superman regained his powers after sacrificing them to be with Lois. I also enjoyed the initial set-up with the ICBM from the first film bringing the destruction of the phantom zone, despite its rather average look on the screen.

The problem with the re-cut is the flow. If you've seen the original then you know that even with its one major flaw (Superman regaining his powers with NO explanation whatsoever) the scenes were seamless and the dialog didn't come across rehearsed. The scenes involving Lois and Clark at the honeymoon resort, while well intended were CLEARLY rehearsal pieces as indicated but come on, putting them in a film and trying to pass it off as a scene that's worthy? I also disliked several sequences: 1) The Washington monument being toppled over mixed with the dialog from the first film when Mt. Rushmore was defaced 2) The extra dialog between Otis and Lex at prison, not needed IMO 3) Miss Tessmaker's obsession with and finding the toilet in Superman's home 4) Superman stating at the Daily Planet upon arriving to fight Zod "haven't you heard of freedom of the press" as opposed to "do you care to step outside?".

These are just a few select examples of the splicing and re-editing I didn't care for. I understand that there was some call for this vision (after reading wikipedia) and I really do appreciate Donner's original idea. I'm just not sure that was was presented is sufficient enough to qualify as movie-ready material.

I'll always prefer the first version due to its continuity but I'll always be on the fence regarding the re-cut.
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