Boxing Gloves (1929)
Entertaining 'Hevvywate Bowt'
16 May 2010
Sometimes I am shocked how bad (i.e. "Harry, Joe, Wheezer") or how good (i.e. "Farina, Chubby, etc.") some of these young kids are in the acting department. In these early Our Gang shorts, a few got a little famous, though, and no more more than the kid who makes his debut here in a cameo role: Jackie Cooper.

Cooper plays a paying customer to a fight being promoted by Farina and Harry with the boxers being Wheezer and Beezer - two little guys who have no clue what do to in the ring and don't have their heart into it anyway. When Cooper demands his "money" back, Farina asks, "Whad'ya expect? Jack Dempsey and Benny Leonard?" In the next Our Gang short, Cooper is part of the group but I don't think they explained how that happened.

Anyway, the promoters - speaking of Dempsey - need some heavyweight boxers to draw a crowd, so they get Chubby and Joe after Farina spot the two fighting over a girl. He puts their temporary animosity to good (and funny) use! The boxing match between the two heavy kids takes up almost the entire second half of the film is pretty comical. Check out the misspelled signs, too, which are cute.

The odd thing is that the sound goes off a number of times when the camera pans back for a crowd shot. Only the closeups then does the sound return. Since this was 1929 and the beginning of "talkies," crowd noise was obviously too difficult to handle here.

Still, the short provides a number of good slapstick comedy scenes, something you always got with old-time comedies featuring boxing.
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