A Little Help (2010)
Great little movie
21 May 2010
Saw this tonight at the Seattle International Film Festival. I was not expecting such a good movie. The writing and performances had the full house laughing throughout. This is definitely a "dramedy" though. A lot of touching moments between Jenna Fischer's character and Daniel Yelsky, as well as Jenna and Rob Benedict. I expect this film to do quite well once it picks up a distributor. If I had to compare it to other films, James L. Brooks better films came to mind, as well as PT Anderson -- mostly because of the superb casting and writing. I wouldn't change a thing about this movie. I almost forgot to mention the new songs by Jakob Dylan that fit the movie so well. I'm still going to see another 15 or so movies at SIFF, but I fear I have already seen the best film that will screen at the festival.
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