Awful. Reviewed in 1 word...
23 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Im giving it a 2 because it is a truly terrible film. But I have seen worse, amazingly enough.

however, the graphics are awful!! I don't know what people are on about it being amazing. I'm speaking particularly coburn-mark here. Oh. And you said film of the decade? 10/10 ? I think your letting your fantastical nerd side get the better of you there. Much of your better side...

I'm agreeing a lot with what buckramega has said. The build up to where either monster attacks the same image is being mirrored or zoomed. And what really ticks me off is that whenever an event takes place there are constant flashes, I'd assume to hide the bad graphics by making your eyes sore.

And the acting and dialogue made me cringe. It was like... No. Just no. It wasn't believable, nor was it satisfying to what you expect.

Yes yes, I know it's low budget but seriously. The line needs to be drawn somewhere, and this film crosses this line as if it was trying to grab first place in a race. If you had not payed to watch this film, that's fine. You've only lost a valuable hour or so of your life. If you payed, you've just losses money too.

This would have been good 30 years ago, but not in our time. Can I say good try? I'm not sure.
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