Swamp Zombies!!! (2005 Video)
High on my list of worst movies ever...
23 May 2010
From this site I understand the movie cost $12.000 to make, of which most probably was used to hire Jasmin St. Claire for a small supporting role. However unbelievable she is as a hospital manager, her acting was by far best of the movie - and that's saying something. Most of the others looked bored or ashamed to be in it, delivering wooden performances and terrible dialogue.

Not that they were given much to work with, although the basic idea is interesting enough it's full of plot holes, goofs and continuity errors. For instance the storm that makes the thugs not disposing of the corpses correctly and takes out communication doesn't seem to affect the students in the forest one bit. And if you're attacked by zombies you'd forget about your towel and stuff, or probably fight given one turns out to be capable of some quite decent martial arts later!

The camera work isn't very good either, especially the lighting is bad. But it's easily topped by the sound which has a lot of background, poor cutting and a soundtrack that's actually quite good but blares through your speakers at times. Make-up is probably about what to expect in a movie like this, however there are no special effects to speak of and thus gorehounds will be disappointed. Some nudity is included, nevertheless this alone won't save the movie.

Overall one of the worst movies I've ever seen, inept at every department although the premise is good. That together with a few nice rock songs and some good looking ladies (certainly not all of them) save this from the lowest rating possible - albeit only just.
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