ER: Carter est Amoureux (2005)
Season 11, Episode 21
ER in Paris, possible failure, but our beloved writer/director/doctors save the day again!
23 May 2010
Veterans Wells and Chulack respectively write and direct this penultimate season 11 episode that will somewhat dramatically culminate in Dr. Carter's reason for leaving County General for the motive of all motives: LOVE.

As corny and predictable as this may seem, even with the overused and clichéd backdrop of Paris for the romantic tension, you can be sure that the writing, acting, editing and directing are as tight as ever. Wells include such touching scenes as Kem improvising stories for strangers in the Paris Metro. Thandie Newton plays a very nuanced performance and Noah Whyle manages to take us for the ride with his confusion, hopes, fears and sincere emotions.

Back in Chicago, all goes wrong for the new R2 residents Abby, Neela and Ray under the watchful eye of ER self-appointed superhero Morris. Abby is cold to her boyfriend who is considering staying in Chicago for her which contrasts John Carter's loving determination overseas.

Mistakes, situations, setbacks, human nature, work, love, struggle and not necessarily in that order. In the end, we all have to move forward.
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