Tunning the Angel Radio
30 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Ruby meets Sam and Dean in a bar to tell that the intern Anna Milton has just escaped from a mental institution and is chased by the demons. The Winchester brothers head to the asylum and they discover the hideout of Anna in a church; the young woman discloses that she can overhear angels since September, 18th, i.e., the day Dean left hell. The powerful demon Alastair attacks Sam and Dean to capture Anna, but Ruby rescues Anna Milton and hides her. Meanwhile Sam discloses his relationship with Ruby to Dean and why he trusts her. Out of the blue, Castiel and Uriel arrive in the hideout of Anna Milton and tell Sam, Dean and Ruby that they want to kill Anna.

"I Know What You Did Last Summer" is another excellent of "Supernatural". Sam opens his heart to Dean and tells why he trusts on Ruby. The intriguing Anna Milton with her ability of overhearing the angels will probably join the trio on the next adventures. The reaction of Dean accepting the support of Ruby is very funny. My vote is ten.

Title (Brazil): "Eu Sei o Que Você Fez no Verão Passado" ("I Know What You Did Last Summer")
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