2 June 2010
This is certainly a curiosity -and a must for Munsters fans. But as a pilot it left me pretty cold. Fred Gwynne's Herman is very much in place, as is Al Lewis's Grandpa, but Joan Marshall as Herman's wife "Phoebe" was dull and nothing like the characterization that Yvonne DeCarlo brought to the part in the series. The less said about the kid playing Eddie, the better. Whoever the network executives were who insisted on recasting were totally right (for a change).

The story is incomplete, but familiar: Marilyn's date sees Herman and runs away. Marilyn's looks are blamed. Grandpa decides to cook up a love potion to snare her a husband. The pilot ends there, leaving the ensuing hilarity to our imaginations. Very wise of them, I'm sure... ; )

For now, at least, you can see it for yourself on YouTube.
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