The Twilight Zone: Dead Man's Shoes (1962)
Season 3, Episode 18
If at first you don't succeed try and try again
4 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** After being rubbed out by his business partner Bernie Dagget Dane's body is dumped in the skid row section of town where Nate Bledsoe one of the homeless people living there spots it.

Cold and hungry Nate goes through the dead man's pockets finding his home keys which he has no idea what lock they'll open but does notice his very cool looking loafer that he tries on which are a perfect fit. Almost at once Nate becomes a new man and indistinctly goes to the late Dane's penthouse luxury apartment when he meet's Wilma Dane's girlfriend. Acting as if nothing is wrong with him Nate goes to the liquor cabinet and helps himself to a swig of bourbon to the shock and surprise of Wilma who has no idea who the guy is!

It's later when Nate momently takes his new found shoes off that he become's Nate, the homeless bum, again and starts to act the part by getting on his knees and begging for his life when Wilma pulls a gun on him! With his magic shoes back on Nate calmly and coolly disarms Wilma who starts to sense that there's something weird and strange in Nate's behavior. It's that Nate seems to know all about her boyfriend Dane to the point where he's becomes Dane himself! Down to knowing what Dane's favorite drink is: A shot tequila with a lump of sugar! With Dane, through his loafers, controlling Nate's body he shoot down to his favorite gin joint where he runs into Dagget and his boys who had earlier did him in that evening.

***SPOILER*** In an attempt to even the score with Dagget Nate talks him into letting him into his office where he plans to repay him for what he did to him. Nate does in fact knock off one of Dagget's henchmen who tried to ambush him from behind like he in fact did to Dane earlier but ends up getting killed anyway in a deadly crossfire with Dagget's men. With disposing Nate like he did Dane, in skid row, and feeling that whoever Nate was and who sent him are now history the magic loafers are spotted by another homeless drunk who after trying them on his body & soul is taken over by the deceased Dane! And with that he plans to give Dagget an unexpected visit where this time around he'll have more success in whacking him!
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