My Best Friend's Bride's Kiss Part Two
7 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
In Kiss the Bride, they make references to My Best Friend's Wedding. Oh, if only it was that good of a movie.

At least they acknowledged the obvious copy of the much better script. I'll give 'em kudos for that. Unfortunately, the rest of the movie was choppy, poorly edited, poorly acted and predictable. That said, it was still a well-mannered, well-meaning light rom-com romance and if the evening's free, it's worth a shot.

Much like the foresaid My Best Friend's Wedding, (and let me throw in a little bit of the absolute ferior Big Eden) a gay male returns home only to find his previous boyhood crush marrying (gasp!) a female. Will he become friends with the bride-to-be? Will he win over the heart of the previous fling? (And yes, it involves prior sexual child-experiences.) Will any of this be original or suspenseful? In all honesty, the finale at the wedding is pretty shocking and enjoyable. It makes up solely for all that's been done previously. So, even if you're turned off by the ho-hum premise and mid-section, stay for the closing. Even the shocking twists from resident fag-hag Tori Spelling.

The jokes are…just okay. The homophobia tolerable. But some of the out-there scenes, such as what the title suggests and the ignorance of the characters were a tab bit off kilt. The mistakes were well known – they mention the hometown in Arizona, but then switch it to New Mexico, for whatever reason. And as much as I'm not a Tori fan, she really does steal every scene she's in and is the most enjoyable character in the movie.

Overall, again, it's worth a shot. I liked how people who are really what they are, gay/straight/whatever, stay that way. Otherwise, people might confuse the "lifestyle" as a "choice." And we know better. Right?
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