Blackadder Goes Forth: Goodbyeee (1989)
Season 1, Episode 6
Wow...what a huge downer.
8 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Apparently the Brits adored this final episode and the way it ended. As for me, it left me totally depressed and completely unsatisfied. And, by the incredibly high score for this particular episode, I assume I am in the distinct minority.

This episode is about the troops going 'over the top'--i.e., to make an insane dash across no-man's land only to die pointlessly in a hail of bullets, bombs, mines and shrapnel. My question is is this a subject for a comedy?! There is an attempt at comedy when Blackadder decides to pretend he's crazy in order to avoid an almost certain death. But, the plan is a failure and Blackadder is screwed.

Along the way there are jokes about Baldrick's coffee which consists of mud, phlegm and dandruff. This sort of joke, in my opinion, is getting a bit old to say the least. In fact, this is THE problem for this final episode...there simply isn't much of anything funny throughout the show aside from Baldrick's insanely pathetic poetry. It all ends with some maudlin talk about how the war sucks...and then they all go off to meet their deaths. Wow...what well as the reason season 4 is my least favorite of the Blackadder saga.
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