Stonehenge Apocalypse (2010 TV Movie)
The word BAD cannot be written often enough to describe this
12 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is an insult to anyone and everyone who ever sat through a science or history class in school. It is not possible to include or describe the unbelievable number of gross factual errors in this movie. One must conclude that the writers knew absolutely nothing about the locations and artifacts included.

In a desperate (and failed) attempt to get the viewer to buy into the story, we are told; 1) the Earth's breathable atmosphere was created by ancient world wide machines, 2) ancient mega structures known to have been built by separate cultures, thousands of years apart, were contemporary and built by an unknown alien civilization, and 3) pyramids mark the location of volcanoes and can trigger volcanic eruptions … and that is just the start.

For those who like clichés, this movie is for you. Insane civilization hating cult bent on ending modern life, a mindless military determined to do exactly the wrong thing, discredited pseudo-scientist who is the only one with the solution, lone scientist who believes in the pseudo-scientist for personal reasons, remorseless countdown to the world's end, guns that never need to be reloaded … plus many, many, OMG way too many, more

The writers, producers, and director of this movie have shown a level of incompetence almost beyond belief, and, for the good of humanity, should be forever barred from working in the entertainment industry.
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