Actresses (2009)
I liked it I didn't love it. The actresses are great but its a tad too artificial
13 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The film concerns 6 of the top actresses in Korea who are brought together for a Vogue cover shoot. We watch as they go through their paces and interact with each other and the people around them. The film then shifts as the women have dinner together. Before the final fade out the women talk to the camera before we see the photos from the shoot.

This is a good film but how you react to it will depend upon a couple of different factors. Familiarity with the actresses will affect you feeling since you will be able to match up the women with film roles in your head. Its fine if you don't know their work, but I found that once I started having "ah ha" moments about who was who I liked the film better.

How you react will also depend upon how much you care about the superficiality of of the shoot and some of their lives. I suppose if I was more into fashion and celebrity I might have loved the first half more, but I really don't and despite liking the people on screen and being intrigued by what goes in to a photo shoot, I never fully connected. Its not bad, its just not earth shaking beyond being in the company of some interesting women.

The second half of the film, a long set piece where they all have dinner played much better since it was like listening into a long dinner conversation.

The best part of the film comes right before the end credits when the women talk to the camera directly suddenly the film is fully alive and I realized that what the film should have been is just putting the six women into a room for a meal, without a "story" and then letting them talk to the camera and each other with out any artifice (Think "It Might Get Loud") I like the film. I don't love it. I will see it again down the road.

Worth a look at some point, but nothing one needs to run out and see unless one wants to.
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