Star Reporter (1939)
Despite a very low budget and some plot problems, it's an agreeable time-passer.
20 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
"Star Reporter" is not a film that you should rush out to see. It's got some serious problems with the plot now and then, a very low budget and predictability. And yet, it is entertaining if you are a fan of B-movies from this period.

The film is about the District Attorney and his reporter friend in their efforts to crack organized crime. Their big lead comes when a murder suspect is caught--and the crook knows a lot about the mob and might just be willing to talk. However, the mob isn't about to let this happen and will do anything to get this guy off the hook--though oddly, they don't just have him murdered (this seemed like the logical alternative to me). But, how the mob handles this is novel--as they discover that the killer is actually the father of the reporter and they plan on exploiting this! This ridiculous coincidence is pretty hard to believe as is the incident with the reporter's fiancée (Marsha Hunt) getting accused of murder herself (after she's in a particularly dumb scene involving a gun). While the plot problems are obvious, the film has a certain charm and is oddly compelling--mostly because the script, while clichéd, works well as a B-film.
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