A Bit Of A Surprise - slight spoilers
25 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
When this movie was being made - 1960 - there was an attempt to make a fairly decent film. Discerning individuals will pick this up right away. There wasn't a astronomical amount of money being spent to create this slightly tarnished gem, but that which was available appears to have used quite efficiently. The costuming and the sets are essentially not bad. The casting was a bit of a surprise. Star Trek likes to tout their use of multiple ethnicities in their cast commanding significant roles. This movie predates them by over half a decade. I wonder whether Roddenberry didn't use this movie as a partial inspiration? On the other hand this movie isn't a U.S. product so that may account for much of the laxity. Meanwhile, the story, while not on a razor's edge by today's standards, must have been top-notch sci-fi (a nod to Forry Ackerman here) in 1960. The story is a good and still credible idea that would hold together well today if remakes are in order. There are the obvious science blunders in the script ('meteorites' being used when 'meteors' is more accurate - 'asteroids' would probably be even more accurate) but these flaws don't damage the final presentation. The premise is simple enough. We find an artifact on Earth and somehow determine it came from Venus. It is discovered to contain a message of destruction for our planet and we decide to go to Venus and see if we can prevent the promised Venusian attack. What awaits on the Venus is the point of this movie. The Venus sets though inexpensive are handled nicely through lighting, forced perspective, some matte work, superb direction and editing, etc. It seems to work and the effect is frequently nightmarish. There is a message buried in the story which is obvious and, as noted, not unknown in today's sci-fi goulash, but it doesn't hit you over the head. It has its say and comes to an end as they return to Earth (whether they like it or not). I believe this movie deserves better than the dismal rating given by those who have already voted. The story alone is worthwhile and the fact that an attempt was made to create a good movie despite finances is worth a 6. I was reminded of 'Forbidden Planet' when watching this. Another movie which also had a decent script as well as a better budget. One thing I will opine is that the sound effects were better in this movie than 'FP'.
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