Fred Lincoln Double Feature
27 June 2010
Same Time Every Year (1981)

* 1/2 (out of 4)

Place for Shame, A (1981)

** (out of 4)

Fred Lincoln will always be best remembered for his role as Weasel in Wes Craven's 1972 shocker but what most people don't know is that Lincoln has over three-hundred director credits to his name. These are all hardcore flicks with these two being released as a double-feature from Alpha Blue Archives.

SAME TIME EVERY YEAR has three male friends going on the same business trip each and every year. That's just what they tell their wives as they're really getting away to have some fun with other women. Their wives aren't very faithful either. A PLACE BEYOND SHAME features Seka playing, well herself, a woman who can't stand to have a man touch her. Her best friend recommends she go see a shrink and before long she's back in action.

Neither one of these films are going to be talked about as hardcore classics but I guess, to be fair, their are prime examples of those low-budget items that were probably making a killing on VHS back in the early part of the 80s. Neither film has anything that really stands out in terms of quality so if you're looking for story, direction or any type of style then it's best to look elsewhere. Of the two films I'd say A PLACE FOR SHAME is a little better as Seka is at least easy on the eyes. I found the story of her being scared to have sex rather funny and her acting makes for a few good laughs especially the scene where the shrink and her friend try to teach her how to have sex. SAME TIME EVERY YEAR is pretty much wall-to-wall sex with very little in terms of a story. We're told what the story is early on and then after that it's hard to keep up with who's sleeping with who. Ron Jeremy makes a quick stop here so fans of his might want to check this out.
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