Boring Almost-A-Horror Movie
2 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I checked this movie out expected a fair to almost decent ghost movie, but it's actually the slowest horror movie I've ever seen. It's about a girl who survives a massacre at her father's house which looks like John Wayne Gacy doing a job for Charles Manson. A lot of boring gore which shouldn't be in a ghost movie and then shoot to the present and we meet the girl whose now an adult. She has no memories of the night and looks up the murders on the Internet and realizes she was the survivor. The drama filling the plot has the ingredients of a murder mystery of who killed her family and why did she survive and did she really do it. Along the way, she's seeing images of her father's dead corpse on TV and you think, is he having hallucinations or is she the victim of psychological terror. Everyone else leaves or enters just as the images happen which suggests they're being faked, but when she returns to the family home, things become really ridiculous. The detective with her and a band of cops are attacked and ripped apart in a bloodbath of gore and you realize "Oh, it's one of *those* movies." More obscene blood and gore, needless scenes of heads pulled off... it seems dad and the family are not ghosts but zombies in excess deterioration... or maybe they are ghosts because she seems them beyond the house.... or maybe they're zombies. The movie doesn't answer that question. If they were ghosts, you'd think the bullets would just pass through them and hit the wall. Anyway, it's not a good horror movie, but you just wait for the subplot of a murder mystery to catch up and become more interesting, of which, it never does. A remake could conceivably improve on the plot and effects. Bottom line: if you're going to make a ghost movie, forget the blood and guts and try and keep it believable.
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