A Pretty Good Reenactment
5 July 2010
Taking this movie for what it is, a movie about an historical event, it's pretty good. The scenes, settings, and dialogue all work towards looking and portraying the events documented in history. Because it's a movie, it is more of a play about real events. The music is the most disruptive and annoying part. It heavily detracts from watching the story. The dialogue is spoken as actors would speak it, with drama, rather than the conversational tone it was surely truly spoken as. The Indians, many of them, are fat, way too unbelievable for people who lived off the land, and Crazy Horse, while thin and muscular most likely didn't have the six pack of someone who works out, but maybe he did. Most disappointing is the portrayal of Captain Benteen, who, according to the movie, callously refuses to go to Custer's aid. I think in truth he didn't know Custer's location or true predicament. Though no love was lost between the two real men, Benteen was a brave soldier who would have come to the aid of other 7th Calvary soldiers. That said, it's a good reenactment movie with real or real looking historical sets, and I love the replacing of the famous Custer picture with Gary Cole as Custer in one of the closing shots. I believe that Custer, as a personality, was more likely a self-centered quarterback type, instead of the pretty boy he's played as. He sounds like he as a pretty ruthless killer, not very Errol Flynnish.
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