The Yearling (1994 TV Movie)
All the elements of a family classic!!
9 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
One of the most lasting memories of this film is the quality of acting. Not only is it outstandingly good, but the characters actually *feel* like they're in a book. It's hard to describe, but watching the film actually feels like you're seeing what the reader sees!

Peter Strauss fans will be treated to his usual talent and easy ability with accents, as well as his knack for bringing his character to life and making the viewer empathise with him. I always find his acting very compelling.

Jean Smart brilliantly captures the essence of Ora Baxter, but in very subtle ways that might escape the casual viewer. When Ora does finally express herself outwardly, it's all the more effective when Jean cuts loose!

Wil Horneff was only 14 or so at the time of filming, but his skill is that you'd only expect of a far older and more seasoned actor.

Philip Seymour Hoffman and Brad Greenquist do an outstanding job. It takes very smart acting to play dumb and these roles of 'dumb swamp folk' are an exceptional challenge, which they carried off very well.

As with all films based on novels, there are differences in the way each is presented. Some things on paper will not work on film and vice versa. For the main, this version presents the story very well and retains the emotional essence of the book. You can tell where the story is going almost from the outset, but this is not a tale of where the characters go - It's about how they get there!!

This film will appeal to all ages and I personally wish I'd seen this a lot sooner!!
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