This classic B horror flick is worth checking out!
10 July 2010
It's good to see that violence towards women, stereotyping of the mentally ill and animal abuse are all still alive and well in this cult classic. Touted as one of Tarrantinos' favs, this is a great flick to watch at home on a rainy night with a box of popcorn and a beer. Director Cliff Guest did a great job of making this film in a time when independent films were hip and not trash shot by some idiot sporting a camcorder from Walmart and calling it art.

There's a real story here, with fairly decent acting, good direction and cool special effects, the best of which is the main actor, Clay, getting shot in the head, on camera, in agonizing slow motion, at the end of the movie.

If you get a chance, and love B horror flicks, make sure to check this one out. It's still available and worth the $4.99 that I paid for it.
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