Wonderful story. Beautilful movie
16 July 2010
The movie is based on a true story, the life of Roberto Carlos Ramos, a poor kid that went to FEBEM, the children's penitentiary in Brazil. FEBEM, also present in the Babenco movie Pixote, is an institution that worked (it is now extinct) both as a jail and as a home to poor child. But this institution had more kids that they could handle, and no kid is well treated there. Therefore Roberto Carlos escapes this institution and start living in the streets, struggling to survive.

One day he meets a french pedagogue woman that takes care of him. I had already seen this story in an interview of Roberto Carlos in Jo Soares (this is in you tube) so I knew the story, but even though it was a great time seeing this movie. I realized as the narrator is the true Roberto Carlos himself.

Some scenes that are about the memories of Roberto Carlos childhood use a fictional scenography, very poetic as is reminds the child's imagination and vocabulary.

The acting is good, good production, great casting, some funny scenes, story is superb, and REAL! Very nice, touching movie that I recommend to you all.

If you have already seen it and liked, I recommend you one harder movie that you might like: Pixote - A Lei do mais fraco.
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