Review of Jigsaw

Jigsaw (1949)
Confusing storyline but worth watching for the uncredited cameos
22 July 2010
Other reviews posted here have discussed this storyline in great detail. If you choose to watch this movie, you will say "Hey, wasn't that.....?" at least 4 times as some major stars from the period have ultra brief face time and speak only 1 liners. For me, the most confusing part of the storyline is when F. Tone tells his DA boss in the beginning of the movie that the bulldog reporter Charlie Riggs is about to become his brother-in-law. After Charlie dies , F. Tone is seen many times hugging and lip kissing Charlie's widow, Caroline Riggs,who by earlier script association is supposed to be his sister!!! Huh?? Also, some scenes are filmed way to dark, and combined with the age of the actual print, may be hard to see on your TV.
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