Review of Lava Storm

Lava Storm (2008 TV Movie)
A very, very terrible film.
23 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I really don't know what to say, apart from repeating the summary.

First of all, the bit at the end saying the film's events could happen, now, I'm not an expert, but I find it hard to believe one volcano going off could destroy the world. That segment didn't even try to make me believe, more telling me off than reasoning.

Then we have so many boring scenes. The photograph montage, the looking at each other for a few minutes without saying anything, a scene of them driving, these are just a few of them.

And there's very bad special effects, for example a very fake dam, and they couldn't even be bothered to show us the house exploding properly, just in a reflection. Also, when lava hits the bottom of the house, it does not cause the top of it to explode it seconds. It may rupture a gas pipe and cause the whole house to explode, but not the top.

Also, where the Hell is everyone? We see a town but apparently only 7 people live there; the five family members and the two dead people at the start.

Speaking of which, the son and daughter. Now, I was glad to find they were step-related after what I saw, but it was still creepy when they referred to each other as blood related, for example 'sis', it's just creepy!

But you can't blame the actors, they did the best of their situation. With the exception of Valérie Valois since she appeared to lose it at the end. Seriously, there was one point where everyone else in the scene had an expression of, what's the word, worried anticipation, cut to Valois' blank expression, before thinking 'oh yeah, need emotion here'.

So many bad things I want to talk about but thankfully the memory of the film is leaving my mind. Seriously people, unless every single other channel out there is just static, and only this was on, go read a book.

And on a final note, this film tells us that the best place to blow up a dam with a rocket launcher (don't ask me where it came from, I blanked out), is at the bottom.
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