One Step Beyond: Tonight at 12:17 (1960)
Season 3, Episode 11
The Plane! The Plane!
23 July 2010
**SPOILERS** With her about to give birth any day now Laura Perkins, Peggy Ann Garner, has developed a very high sense of psychic perception. Laura feels and senses that somehow a plane is going to crash into the roof of her and her husbands John, John Lasell, house at precisely 12:17 in the evening! This has been going on for the last three night where at exactly 12:17 Laura hears the noise of a plane flying close to the ground and then hears it crash right on top of the roof of her and John's home!

Laura's concerned husband John who's been working two jobs to pay the bills has just about had it with his wife's strange visions. That's until the third evening when the same thing happened that happened the two previous nights with his wife Laura. But this time there's something different in what Laura predicted soon to happen! Laura not only heard the sound of a plane crashing into her house and possibly killing her and her husband but saw the serial number,N-5227-K, on the plane's wing as it crashed through the celling!

With John feeling that his wife is losing her mind and having at least some kind of evidence, the plane's serial number, to go on he checks out all the airfields in the area to see if in fact there's a plane fitting that serial number and incredibly there is!

****SPOILERS**** Not knowing what to do John has Laura and himself move out of their home and stay at a local motel for the night to avoid the plane crash, if in fact real, that about to happen on them at exactly 12:17 that evening. What happened next only God can explain but it happened precisely as Laura predicted it to happen! Only this time in a different geographical area!
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