Inception (2010)
It certainly didn't put me to sleep...
23 July 2010
'Inception' is a fast-paced science-fiction thriller, set in a not too distant future. The story revolves around a team of specialists who can enter another person's dreams and extract information/secrets from them by stealth, while the person is asleep. The team, headed by DiCaprio's character, is given a new assignment that will prove to be their most challenging yet. As if for an elaborate heist, they prepare for it meticulously, planning it carefully, down to the last detail. But, as so often in life (and in films), things don't always go according to plan...

That is the gist of it.

The story is delightfully complex and elaborate. The fast pace makes sure you won't get a chance to pause and figure the whole thing least not before it's over. That is as it should be. It's hard to find any flaws with the film. It is really well executed and the performances are all flawless. Perhaps the only minor flaw is that the pace gets too fast towards the end, as if the director was running out of time and needed to wrap things up quickly - too quickly, perhaps. The film deals with the topic of dreams, the conscious manipulation of dreams, and raises the question of what is reality: "Am I dreaming?", "Am I awake?", "Am I awake while I'm dreaming?", "Am I asleep while I'm awake in the 'real world'?", "What is real?" These are questions that are troubling the characters. And they may trouble you too after seeing the film. There's certainly a lot of food for thought there as you leave the theatre.

'Inception' makes heavy use of CGI. I'm not a big fan of CGI. It has been abused too often to make up for bad scripts and stories, to wow an audience even though the film is crap. 'Inception' is an exception here: the heavy use of CGI actually aids in the telling of the story. And what a great story it is!

The cast is excellent and delivers convincing performances. I am pleasantly surprised by Leonardo DiCaprio, though, and will admit that he's kind of growing on me. I respect him more and more with every new role. He seems to have developed into an incredibly versatile actor: put him in any role, in any genre, and he'll deliver. Not many Hollywood actors of star fame can pull that off.

It is often hard to rate a film objectively coming fresh out of the theatre. It usually takes some time to get some distance to the film and then reflect on it again at a later date. Does 'Inception' really deserve the 9.3 stars rating (as of 23 July '10) and its current ranking as the third best film on IMDb? Good question. Probably not. But that doesn't mean it's not a really, really good film.

I think with the passing of the years, when the film's special effects will look dated, it'll only be judged by its story and the performances of the actors. And I think 'Inception' will still look good on that front.

One thing is certain: you're going to have a good time watching 'Inception' when you go see it on the big screen. And see it on the big screen you must! And if, unlike me, you manage to find a comfortable seat, you won't even notice how fast the 2 1/2 hours will pass.

FINAL VERDICT: 'Inception' is a fast-paced, thought-provoking blockbuster with a great script, convincing performances, and (for a change) CGI that actually aids in the telling of the story. It will appear to both mainstream audiences and the more discriminate filmgoers.

On a different note: If 'Inception' sparked your interest in dreams, the conscious manipulation of dreams, and the question of what defines reality, then I highly, HIGHLY recommend you read 'The Lucid Dreamer: A Waking Guide for the Traveler Between Worlds' by Malcolm Godwin. You see, you actually CAN be fully awake in a dream, realising it's a dream, and manipulating it to your heart's content. It is called 'lucid dreaming', and it is a skill that can be learned. Read the book.
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