Sexy Cat (1973)
Murderous blonde kitten.
25 July 2010
"Sexy Cat" is an obscure Spanish giallo with murderous catwoman of the title.The killer wears blonde wig,black body stocking,high heels and razor sharp claws.He or she stalks and murders men and women associated with erotic comic strip called Sexy Cat.There is a fairly bloody throat slashing,death by a coral snake and death by suffocation.Detective Cash starts an investigation and tries to stop elusive catwoman.The film looks grainy,the cinematography is mediocre and the police investigation is dull.However the combination of giallo and "Satanik" like fumetti sounds fantastic for any self-respecting Eurohorror fan.6 out of 10.Julio Perez Tabernero later directed extremely inept cannibal flick "Cannibal Terror".
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