An Insult to All Animal Hoarders Everywhere!
22 July 2010
Animal hoarding, a serious bona fide concern, is portrayed as a formulaic, Opera Buffo, freak-show farce! Here, two hoarders are BOTH stereotyped as stupid and fat...well, fat but very "nice"--gotta have that empathy factor, right? 1)"Bonnie", an obese diabetic, asthmatic lives with her mother and obese forty-year old son who lost his house to foreclosure, and now lives in her basement. The house is overrun with cute, yappy little dogs which she refuses to let outside. Ammonia and fecal dust permeate the air. 2)For six months, a man hasn't cleaned up his home, a 30-cat, pee-on-every-wall, litter-box. His wife has kidney problems and he dearly loves and misses so very, very much, but she can't return to a potentially infectious environment. 3)Poop and pee, yuks and eeyews, concerned experts and relatives, tears and interventions and great big yawns for viewers.
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