Hot on the Trail
31 July 2010
This documentary "The Making of…" short promoted MGM's "The Night of the Iguana" (1964), Tennessee Williams' story of an unfrocked minister running amok in Mexico. Director John Huston explains how he and producer Ray Stark envisioned the film. We see cast and crew settling down in the beautiful Mexican location. Most noteworthy, this footage is all in color; the released film was in black and white. Stars Richard Burton, Ava Gardner, Deborah Kerr, and Sue Lyon appear; Mr. Burton and Ms. Kerr speak.

Cinematographer Gabriel Figueroa and veteran character actor Cyril Delevanti receive some special attention. Unfortunately, supporting actress Grayson Hall is not heard from; possibly, she had not yet arrived on the scene. Had they known she would be nominated for an Academy Award, Ms. Hall would have been included. We see a lot of Elizabeth Taylor (as Mrs. Burton), who was there to keep an eye on Dick. Nobody mentions what many of the cast and crew remember most from the shoot - it was too damned hot.

***** On the Trail of the Iguana (1964) Ross Lowell ~ John Huston, Richard Burton, Elizabeth Taylor, Deborah Kerr
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