Clean House (2003–2011)
Physical & Psychological Cleaning
1 August 2010
I stumbled upon this show one Sunday while flipping through the channels.

I love the host and her crew. She's real and I applaud her for having one of the few reality-style shows that actually has sold meaning to it and really helps people.

Clean House gives families the incentive to make lifestyle changes. What I like a lot about the show is the fact that the families themselves work towards the end results. It's not like they sit back and have the crew clean and make over their homes.

Also, the families really are reaching out for help. You see how much a home can affect each member in that family and the variety of it does so.

I cried watching "Messiest Home" with the family from Illinois. You see people with real issues working towards solving those problems.

People tend to misunderstand the host and forget that she's a comedian first. She is straight up and will tell you like it is, and the folks she deals with on her show, need to hear it like it is.

I am not a fan of reality shows but I love Clean House.

Niecy gurl, keep doing your thang.
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