Thomas and Sarah: Birds of a Feather (1979)
Season 1, Episode 1
Thomas and Sarah have left the Bellamy's.
3 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
June, 1910 It's just after Thomas and Sarah have left Eaton Place. Sarah has lost her child by Thomas, and Thomas has walked out on her.

Since then, Sarah has become a Paid Companion-cum-Nanny to a Mrs. Laugton whose husband is out in India. However; Thomas turns up by chance and believes the child Sarah is minding to be his. Sarah refuses to return with Thomas, and so Thomas then kidnaps the child...

An interesting first episode to this much acclaimed series which was a late 'spin off' to the award-winning series 'Upstairs, Downstairs' that had ended several years earlier.

This series is best watched between seasons two and three of 'UD' for continuity purposes.
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