An actual deeper insight in the mental ways of the '90s Black Metal movement in Norway.
5 August 2010
An actual deeper insight in the mental ways of the '90s Black Metal movement in Norway. Not only focusing on the extremities, but on the movement and ways behind them. We have all seen the documentaries on the Music itself (whats more to say on the music we don't already know?) The interview with Varg Vikerness was quite interesting, as well as Fenriz' his talk on his childhood. The only downside of this documentary is the lack of broadness, they only interviewed a limited amount of musicians, which might be considered as a flaw in the documentary.

All the people out here who were hoping to see yet another documentary focused on the music, and on 30 different similar bands: lets face it, the music itself is known by now, this documentary finally shows about the ways behind these Black Metal pioneers, an insight on how this group interacted, and how the hell did it happen.
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