Relationships (Spoilers)
7 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I will not go into the details of the plot, but will make an attempt to explain the relationships between the two main characters.

A divorced woman, who lives alone in her messy city apartment and occasionally drinks herself to sleep meets a guy by starting a new sound recording project. They were assigned to be a team, and slowly but surely their mutual attraction develops. The woman feels lonely and she takes it to a new level when she invites him to spend a night at her apartment. The guy has never had any serious relationships before. This is his first love. Before meeting her he leads a simple yet happy life with his dad and his grandma. His aunt occasionally visits the family to take care of the grandma who is slowly losing her memory. The guy is loved by his family and he loves them back. Later we learn that he lost his mom at an early age.

Their relationships blossoms. The woman enjoys his company because he makes her life more orderly by bringing kimchi and making ramen noodles. Without him her sleeping patterns are completely messed up and she feels lonely. The guy enjoys making her happy, he practically glows with happiness (his co-workers and family started to notice) and would like to get serious about their future as a family. The woman insists on secrecy. She mentions that the guy may lose his job if somebody finds out about their affair. The guy is ready to give up his job in order to keep her - this is how serious he is. In reality, his sudden request to see his father scares her. She did not expect that he would get so serious about it so soon. She does not feel right about the relationship. She understands what a great guy he is but feels inadequate since she has already been divorced. Being torn from her desire to be with him and her guilt of being in a wrong relationship, she suggests to spend a month apart. When this does not work, she tells hims she wants to break up with him. She even starts a new (continues her old?) relationship to forget him.

As with any person whose true love was rejected, he suffers a great deal and becomes almost a stalker. We do not see the tormented feeling the woman goes through, but we see the agony of the guy. He spends a night in a parking lot next to her apartment building, follows her to her friend's house and even goes as far as keying her lime green car. He is ready to give up his job for her, yet he does not get it: why did she leave him? His family and friends are very supportive of him. Then his grandmother dies.

The woman calls him back. She wants to see him again.

He comes to meet her, but when she mentions that she would like to continue their relationships, he rejects her. You can see that he still loves her, because this decision does not come easy to him. He has to make an enormous effort not to follow her when she walks away.

You can also see that the woman loves him too. When she turns around and sees him standing, she could have come back and make him start over. But she finds the inner strength and empathy to let him go because she was not sure that she was the right person who could make him happy.
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