Kein Mann für eine Nummer (2002 TV Movie)
In case nobody noticed, this is a remake
9 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It's "Pillow Talk"!!! Yes, the old movie with Rock Hudson and Doris Day! And the plot of this remake really isn't all that different from the original. In this 2002 version, the two protagonists also unwillingly share a phone line (a fault that the telephone company seems unable to correct), he's a raging womanizer, she's prim and proper and waiting for Mr. Right. And it continues just like the original: He approaches her under a false identity playing the perfect man, and - naturally - they fall for each other. Everything's peachy until he's found out. There's even the nice, chummy mutual friend. It's okay as a remake, but I feel the original screenwriter should have been given credit. It's so sad that German TV productions have to resort to plagiarism more and more often these days.
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