Lackadaisical porn borne of an old theme
10 August 2010
I haven't seen the After Hours Cinema version yet, but Something Weird's revival of NEW GIRL IN TOWN on Vol. 33 of its Dragon Art Theatre series is strictly softcore. Maybe the harder footage was stolen by some projectionist long ago, CINEMA PARADISO-style.

Hoary plot line has title character Mimi Murphy arriving in L.A. to hook up with her estranged sister. Following an abortion she's run away from home in Omaha and wants to find Michelle in the worst way.

Gerard Broulard, who seems to be ubiquitous in early '70s porn of all shapes & sizes, tells her the bad news: Michelle has been kicked out of the apartment for failure to come up with the rent, and she's become a hooker to boot. After a few drags on his reefer, Mimi is willing to drown her tears by having sex with Gerard's Rudy persona. Closest the SWV print gets to hardcore is a rather arousing "between the breasts" intercourse by Gerard with the buxom young lass, but there's no hint of a money shot.

Judy Angel as Linda and a couple of guys (including John Holmes, with afro-styled hair and a thick mustache) drop in and film devolves into sex combinations and variations. Linda takes Mimi out to the Strip to search for Michelle, but it's in vain and film just stops abruptly during an orgy, with nothing resolved.

This is porn by the numbers. I have no recollection of having seen it, but my movie-going diary indicates that I watched NEW GIRL IN TOWN theatrically back in the '70s. Well, it turned up again, like a bad penny.
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