Horror Island (1941)
Quick but silly and stupid
10 August 2010
Con man Bill (Dick Foran) takes a bunch of people out to an island with a "haunted" castle and a supposed buried treasure. When they get there it seems there's a phantom lurking about who wants them out of the castle and isn't above murder to get rid of them.

The film has great atmosphere and sets (left over from other Universal horror films) and has Peggy Moran giving a good performance--but otherwise this is WAY too quick (half the explanations at the end make little sense) and doesn't have one even remotely scary scene in it. The picture was rushed--and it shows. Characters appear and disappear at random and the script just doesn't make much sense. There are more plot holes in this than anything else. Even Dick Foran (usually a good actor) appears lifeless here. But, if you're in the mood for a very tame and mild horror film this might work. Perfect viewing for kids. I give it a 4.
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