Buffy the Vampire Slayer: First Date (2003)
Season 7, Episode 14
This is not a time for levity...do you understand what happened to Machine Gun Kelly?
11 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It's disclosed that, given the choice to repair or remove the chip, Buffy chose to have it removed. Giles is not pleased. Buffy says they have to give him a chance, now that he has a soul.

Xander's back to his witless, moronic, babbling self as he bumbles his way through a discussion with a woman named Lissa about ropes, knots, and kayaks. Then he asks her out for coffee.

Principal Wood asks Buffy out after he finds her snooping around in his office.

Was I the only one who thought that after watching 6 1/2 seasons of Buffy...The White Vampire Slayer (as in...the series has very few blacks in it) the sudden appearance of 2 interracial dates within a matter of minutes just reeks of tokenism?

Anywho...when Buffy discusses her upcoming date with Willow, their dialog exemplifies the quality of this episode...

Buffy: "Why do you think he asked me out? I mean, he could be interested, right"?

Willow: "Yeah, sure. You're a frisky vixen".

With snappy dialog like that...how can this episode be anything other than great, right?

And when all else fails...go for the old reliable lactose intolerance humor.

As an aside... I think I know why I find Buffy so annoying. Look closely...her facial expression has this unnatural proclivity to smile while she's talking. She either does that to an extreme, or she pouts/mopes. Those are her two primary facial expressions. And after 6 1/2 years...it's both predictable. And boring. Contrast that with Anya, who delivers lines like: "Fine, go. Leave me here to stew in my impotent rage...I'm also gonna pee, so you should probably go." No contest.

Jonathan/The First arrives while Andrew is figuring out how to set the clock on the new microwave and tells him to kill the Potentials. He also tells Andrew that after the big battle, when Buffy is defeated and all that's left is evil, it's in Andrew's best interest to align himself with evil now, so he'll have a spot with evil later on. Jonathan tells Andrew to find the gun that Willow bought the other night (when she was Willow/Warren), and Andrew finds it. In Buffy's underwear drawer. He starts to describe what he saw in Buffy's underwear drawer before Jonathan cuts him off and asks to see the gun. (Andrew assures Jonathan that he didn't take anything from Buffy's underwear drawer except the gun. Funny stuff right there.)

Turns out...Principal Wood turns out to be the son of a slayer (not be confused with Jimmy Buffet's Son Of A Son Of A Sailor). According to him, his mother might have been the only Slayer to give birth to a child. After she was killed he was raised by her Watcher. He amply demonstrates his skills by fighting vampires with Buffy in a dark alley outside the nicest restaurant in Sunnydale (which...of course...has to be at the end of a very dark, dirty alley, because, hey...it's Buffyverse). And the guy's got a sense of humor. When he explains to Buffy that he maneuvered himself and her to be at Sunnydale High to help fight the mounting evil, she says: "So, y-you didn't hire me for my counseling skills"? And he LAUGHS!!!!!!!!!!!! (Yep...he's got a sense of humor!!)

Turns out...Xander's date turns out to be a demon. (Man...the dude is a DEMON MAGNET!!) She ties him up and suspends him over the Hellmouth seal and stabs him in the stomach so his blood can drip down and open the seal -- releasing another Uber-Vamp or something like that. Buffy, Principal Wood, & Spike save the day, but Spike turns all vampy in the process. Later on Principal Wood learns from his mother/The First that Spike is the vampire who killed his mother.

Scary episode? HELL YEAH!! Maybe the scariest thing so far in 6 1/2 seasons. (Is there anything scarier than having to watch a bloated Xander...without his shirt on? OMG...CLOSE YOUR EYES NOW...BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!!!)

(And Giles is NOT amused by all the sophomoric behavior going on all around him!)

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