Love, Ludlow (2005)
Very unusual romance with some rough edges but, very satisfying
15 August 2010
Ludlow (Brendan Sexton III), a mentally disabled adult male, lives with his doting sister, Myra (Alicia Goranson), in Queens. My is the one who works to support the duo, as Lud can't and their mother passed away five years ago. Not only does Myra work in an office, she does a neighbor's laundry on the weekends, to pay the bills. Naturally, Myra's situation is not conducive to romance and she is always on edge, snapping at co-workers, for Ludlow is unpredictable. One day, a new manager, Reggie (David Eigenberg), himself a shy, in-bed-by-11 type, crosses paths with Myra and thinks the young blonde is pretty and pretty interesting. Working his up to asking for a lunch date, he gets rebuffed. At first, that is. Slowly, Myra agrees to a few get-togethers, with the inevitable meeting of Reggie and her brother. Almost instantly, Ludlow is disturbed by this "third wheel" and does what he can to discourage the relationship, including hiding Reggie's keys and other random acts. Yet, Reggie expands both of their horizons, as the two siblings have never even seen the ocean, despite being 20 minutes away! Can Reggie and Myra allow themselves to fall in love and find a place for Ludlow in their new world? This is a lovely film, based on an original play. Its very "New Yorky" and there is some rough language, but its themes are most lovely. No doubt there are many siblings throughout the world dealing with a disabled brother or sister and still trying to live a somewhat normal life, that includes romance. Despite the three stars having little name recognition, they are all quite wonderful in difficult roles. There isn't really much scenery, as most of the dialogue takes place indoors but, the costumes are nice and the movie has a good style, script and direction. In summary, if you are one of those romance fans who constantly search the shelves at the local DVD store for new choices, here is an unknown jewel. Its almost certain that you will love "Love, Ludlow".
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