The Void (2001 Video)
Not great. OK if your very bored.
16 August 2010
This is not great. There is some science, some running around, a little romance and it is all very predictibull. The CGI is OK but looks pretty cheap. The sound is serviceable. The lighting and cinematography for the most part consists of bland offices and bright service areas. The acting is good TV acting in the way you do not believe these people are really anything other than actors getting paid. The general idea of the film is not great. It is basically a film speculating on media fears about the Large Hadron Collider at CERN creating a mini black hole and destroying the earth. All the characters are paper thin so it is very difficult to get any real drama out of the story. It was cheapish but I think it could have easily been done a lot better. At one point the disaster of a black hole exploding was explained as being like adding too much soap to the washing machine followed by "We've all done that." I don't know call me a hard reviewer but I think they could have tried harder - Overall I give it a 4.
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