forgotten era in living memory
17 August 2010
It is so strange to find the flower of one's bountiful youth at the peak of Hubbard's Curve forgotten so thoroughly in my own lifetime, and I'm still long from dead.

I read all the reviews and all the commentary threads & posts, incl stan who has it on DVD and the oh so insightful contrasts & comparisons with similar flicks and associated genres.

Now if someone would just talk about the movie, other than repetitive spoilers. Like me. This movie might have made it to the theatre but that theatre was probably in Saskatchewan or Shreveport. This movie was made in Mexico, as in just across the border in pasture someplace between Tijuana & Tecate, better known as south San Diego, a favorite of Hollywood producers when their cast wants per diem and won't go to the high desert on the road to Vegas one more time.

It was made at a very curious time. The Vietnam War had finally ended the year before, and hope was blooming that the spectre seen to include everything from redbaiting to censorship was possibly on the run from a restored mass common sense. As such, the brief bare female breast scene and dialogue of moderately vulgar epithets AIRED ON NATIONAL BROADCAST TELEVISION as an episode of ABC Movie of the Week in an effort to keep that waning franchise vital via casting itself as a purveyor of bold and daring content, at which it failed and was quickly forgotten as a hugely attended mass media franchise in the shadow of cable TV's subsequent meteoric rise.

That no one has yet to remark on this insignificant landmark held by this film demonstrates to me that anything prior to Ronald Reagan as president is remembered no more than Truman at Yalta, a curiosity to be shoe horned into a lustrously cast period biopic.
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