It really was just sex and drugs and rock and roll...
18 August 2010
'Exile on Main Street' is widely regarded as one of the Rolling Stones' best albums; this documentary tells the story of how it was made, when the band were quite literally in exile, albeit for tax reasons. It begins unpromisingly, with a host of startlingly un-relevant talking heads popping up to offer their unenlightening take on the record; but mostly, we here from those actually involved, which is much more interesting, albeit unsurprising. In short, the truth confirms the legend: the band gathered at Keith Richards's house, took a lot of drugs, and jammed for a summer. What's more interesting, perhaps, is the film's portrait of what a band actually does on a day-to-day basis; the Stones were stars, but still musicians and people, and we get some insight into what this meant in practice. And the fact that (at least three of) the band are still together, almost forty years on, presumably says something about their shared love of making music together.
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