Doctor Who: Invasion: Part One (1974)
Season 11, Episode 5
Good Story . Bad Effects
19 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Review Of All Six Episodes - Major Spoiler

One thing NuWho can't be criticised for is the production values . Since its return in 2005 a television audience has been treated to a show that is at least the equal of a big budget Hollywood blockbuster . This wasn't always the case and the classic show often had a poor reputation where special effects etc were concerned . This was also a common criticism of BLAKES 7 . What the critics often failed to mention both shows relied upon good performances and intelligent writing to work and Invasion Of The Dinosaurs is a great example of this

Episode one has no Of The Dinosaurs in the title and sets up an episode of intrigue as the Doctor and Sarah Jane walk through a deserted London . These scenes might not have the epic scope of 28 DAYS LATER but they are very effective as they audience are quickly swept up in to the story . They're in the dark as much as the Doctor and his companion which shows how well Malcolm Hulke knows how to tell a story

As the story continues we're treated to a ludicrous plot involving idealistic scientists who want to return the human race to a period in time before industrialization . I say ludicrous but it's so well written that you never notice the plot holes involved . It also gives great character development to series semi regular Captain Yates who is in league with the idealists which is one of the most biggest plot twists the classic show has ever come up with

Where the story fails however is the effects involving the eponymous dinosaurs . They are laughable and a great distraction to the drama playing out on screen . Some people may claim they might have been slightly more acceptable in 1974 but honestly they weren't . I do remember discussing a cliffhanger at school on Monday morning and myself and my classmates thought the T-rex menacing the Doctor was in fact a stone statue . Unfortunately it's obvious to older viewers that it's a paper machine puppet that wouldn't fool anyone but the most unsophisticated very young fan

This sums up Pertwee's final season . It contains good drama and intelligent subtext but is spoiled by the production values . The Tardis can go anywhere in time and space again but when it does it seems to materalise in quarries and studio exteriors . That said Hulke's final script for the show is probably the best one of the season and it's a pity it's best remembered for the unconvincing dinosaur effects
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