Summer Scars (2007)
Holds Ones Interest Yet Unsatisfying
21 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
As another reviewer stated, "Summer Scars" is nearly identical in theme and mood to "The Boys Club", a little known but far superior Canadian film from 1997 about a small group of rather tough acting adolescent boys who encounter a stranger, who at first seems very cool to them, earning their admiration, but in reality turns out to be extremely dangerous, and puts them in a situation where they realize they are in way over their heads. The problem with this film is that the stranger's motivation is never explained or fleshed out, so we are left to guess if he is just a psycho-drifter. The running time is less than 70 minutes, so while it moves along, there is not enough time spent on the increasing danger or the climax, which leaves the viewer with a letdown feeling. The performances are mostly good, and the script (often undecipherable due to heavy Welsh accents) is believable. Unfortunately, none of the kids are very likable, although a couple are decent. OK as a rental, but as a DVD to add to your collection, probably not. Rent "The Boys Club" first if you can't decide.
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