Review of Suck

Suck (2009)
Well, it did kind of suck...
25 August 2010
I had little expectations to this movie, and as such I wasn't disappointed.

The good thing about the movie was that it actually had a decent enough story, and it worked well enough. Actually, you weren't really bored at any time in the movie, it just had that good pace to it.

As for the acting, well most actually did good jobs with their roles and characters. Malcolm McDowell was really good in the role, despite his name being Van Helsing, that was a bit too cliché for my taste. But his performance was excellent, he could have used more screen time though. And of course Alice Cooper and Iggy Pop did great in their supporting roles, especially Iggy Pop. There is just something odd-charismatic about that guy.

Now what made this movie drop down on my rating list was the whole cheesy feeling there was to it. It didn't really come off as a comedy, nor did it come off as an actual scary vampire movie. It was sort of a blurred mix of them both. And what was up with Dimitri Coats as the vampire Queeny? He looked like a discount version of Dani Filth (from Cradle of Filth), and he looked like he was crazed on flu medicine most of the time. That was one role that should have been giving to someone else, or at least had him look differently.

Despite the movie being fairly straight forward and decently paced, nothing much really happened throughout the entire course of the movie. Once it ended, I was going "was that it?" There were no major plot twists, no scenes that made you cringe or go "ooooh". It was basically a flat ride all along.

For a vampire movie, I have to say this is a tame one. There are other vampire movies out there with much more bite to it. And don't get bitten by a fake CGI bat while you read this!
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