Jason's back for the 12th time..
26 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The Friday the 13th series continues this time with part 12. In 1980 Jason's mother killed all who trespassed on the grounds of Camp Crystal Lake, but eventually it backfires and she is killed by one of the trespassers (beheaded with a mace)so her son Jason completes the dirty work and vows to kill all who come near so what happens? Well to start the film off a young group of people (early 20's)go out camping in search for some drugs to sell, and unluckily for them they decide to stop at Camp Crystal Lake, so one by one they are all killed.

20 minutes into the film and second lot of young adults show up and stay at one of their father's summer house, which just happens to be on Crystal Lake ground. The young group run into a guy called Clay Miller who is searching for his missing sister (Jared Padalecki - Supernatural)but little does he know his sister was in fact one of the people from the first group and has been held captive by Jason for a month underground. Will Clay Miller save his sister and survive? And Will this be the last of Jason? (watch the film to find out more)

My Opinion - I have currently watched this film twice and decided to buy this film on DVD (£3) and to be honest I enjoyed it. It contains a good blend of action, slight horror and survival. I personally recommend this film if you like horrors and gore. *This film contains several minutes of female nudity*

All in all I give it a 8/10

+ Good Story + Believable Acting + Not too much Horror + Good Atmosphere - Some deaths are a bit basic
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