The X-Files: Home (1996)
Season 4, Episode 2
I Think I May Be Sleeping With the Lights On Tonight
27 August 2010
Oh dear, how do you describe Home? Part of the great shock and power of the episode that I had was going in knowing only that the episode was classic, scary, and rated TV-MA. I plan to write this review without revealing any of the plot. At all. Many other reviews reference the ingenious and very cinematic "Wonderful Wonderful" scene, so I think I will start from there, as that scene really contains some of the best elements of the episode, indeed the entire show.

A brief description of the scene without revealing any plot points:

The villains (normal people really, despite some physical deformities) are going to kill a man and his wife.

Let me start with the acting: the performance on the part of their target is simply magnificent, and in his little screen time he portrays first a man with everything seemingly under control, then a man on the brink of sheer terror. The villains though, even with out any significant spoken lines, are brilliantly cast, seeming to be, as I said normal, in their every action, except for the fact that they are not.

Next, the cinematography: the cinematography in this scene is gorgeous and shocking. It manages to show the violence just enough to scare the heck out of you without going overboard. The camera shows you the perspective of the man and his wife and little else.

The use of music: violent beating deaths to the song "Wonderful Wonderful". Need I say more?

And the atmosphere: I have never been really scared by a film or TV show in my life. This came close. Didn't quite do it, but if you are easily, or I guess averagely scared, you will not sleep. Might I add I watched it at night in a basement, alone? I suggest doing so if you really want to feel the episode.

Finally, I feel I should comment on the violence and the TV-MA rating, as many others have. While the violence is there, and quite bloody and shocking at times, it is not significantly worse, in terms of what is shown, than episodes like Quagmire. The violence really comes from what is implied. Expect not to see blood spray on screen, but prepare to see it in your mind.
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