Best of the double-digit entries in the series
28 August 2010
The Troublesome Night series goes to prison in this episode, about a wrongly accused man (Sam Lee) who hangs himself in prison to prove his innocence. Meanwhile, his girlfriend (Theresa Mak), in despair, kills herself in her apartment. Now the prison has two ghosts wandering around, and they aren't very happy. The young Bud Gay gets wrongly busted for cocaine possession and sent to jail, where he meets the ghosts. It's up to Helena Law-Lan and the rest of the regular cast to come up with a way to save the prisoners and calm the ghosts. The gang leader in prison is played by Lee Siu Key, one of the guards, Baat Leung Gam, rounding out a strong ensemble cast. The TN series is on a roll -- this one was pretty entertaining, too. And if Bud Gay has annoyed you for all these movies, at least check out the scene where he gets his head shaved -- for real. I appreciate his dedication. Most of the same cast, the same costumes, and the same sets are recycled for this year's PRISON ON FIRE -- PREACHER.
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