Review of Edge of Doom

Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea: Edge of Doom (1968)
Season 4, Episode 24
The Last Non-Science Fiction Episode Of Voyage/Sea
5 September 2010
Nelson is informed that the man who seems to be Captain Crane might actually be an imposter! It is up to the crew to find out if this is true.

Here is my problem with this episode: We are now at the closing stages of this 110 hour thing called Voyage/Sea. We have now seen everything/everyone under the sun appear on the show (aliens, monsters, time travellers, Blackbeard, Leprechauns, etc) so it is just too hard to be thrilled by this more mundane hour called The Edge Of Doom. The episode is obviously placed in this position to keep the adult viewers happy, the adult viewers who may not have even bothered watching the above mentioned childish way-out episodes, but if you follow Voyage every week you can't get too thrilled by The Edge Of Doom.

But having said all this, I am an Admiral Nelson fan as well as a Voyage fan, I love watching Nelson do almost anything on Voyage...a simple bothered reaction to the stuff that is going on around him is enough to hold my attention. The Edge Of Doom is okay.
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