Storm Seekers (2009 TV Movie)
Worse than wasting time
16 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The movie poster of Storm Seekers shows Daryl Hannah as an attractive young professional female. The movie itself though shows Hannah as a very unprofessional and utterly unattractive woman who has a psychological problem so profound that she compulsively puts the lives of her crew in danger. Now that could have been fine if the acting was good and the plot were worth the wile. It isn't. Nearly all the action takes place inside the cabin of a plane rigged as a flying meteorological laboratory. Every thirty or so seconds the director serves us with pale flashbacks to meetings between Hannah and her psychologist that are so incredibly boring because of the unbearable shallowness of the dialogs and the stupidity of the psychology which make it impossible to feel any sympathy. There are more flashbacks, to the time where Hannah was a child. And weird scenes with Hannah watching and holding white lily's that ignite spontaneously. I guess these scenes are there to give the movie a sense of intellectual and spiritual importance. They don't.

Hannah has always been bad at acting and bad acting is what she does in this movie. But there were times when you could forget about that and just watch her sovereign beauty. She has lost all of her beauty unfortunately and so there's nothing left to watch.

Here's a preview of what you may expect: the plane is falling from the sky while going in the eye of the storm. Hannah gives the pilot a serious advice: "You have to get the plane up, Henry". And this was one of the least stupid lines.

This movie is an embarrassment to all intelligent beings. If you watch it, you'll not be just wasting your time, you'll be deeply offended.
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